The Miracle of You: Your Secret System
Your mind holds a compelling mystery. My book is a chronicle of discovery of the keys to a healthy, peaceful, fulfilling, joyful and more purposeful life. My love, passion and connection to a complex and loving man fuelled our quest for healing, bringing us to a new frontier in the management of health and well-being.
While seeking my own health, my family’s health, and then my client’s health, together, we all found the course of action leading to empowerment and wellness. I learned significant concepts during my years of helping people and animals, concepts leading to physical and mental healing and connection to their Higher Self and our Creator God Jah. Later in this book, we will reveal the structure of the system and define the Higher Self (or Soul). Society locked these concepts away from us, and now it is time to reveal the ultimate secret of life, your powerful Natural Control System (NCS), deep within your mysterious mind.
Held secret from humanity for eons is that the nature of all healing is spiritual and in our hands in connection with our Creator God Jah. The ego-mind, (or the lower self) the part of our makeup that attempts to make us believe we are without a Higher Self or a Soul connected to our Creator God Jah, therefore keeps the blinders on our spiritual eyes. The ego’s heinous plan is disclosed in Part Three.
All healing is either rejected or accepted by the NCS, including using the drugs or surgery offered by Allopathy, our science-based, modern medicine. The same applies to all alternative and complementary healing. Our system’s acceptance or rejection can occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. For this reason, some people respond to efforts to heal with drugs or surgery or other methods like homeopathic medicine or acupuncture, while other people do not. A prescription may cure an illness in one person, but the same medication may cause reactions and worsen disease in another. Invariably, the functioning of the NCS controls the response to the outside efforts to cause the person heal.
This book will take you on an adventure of exploration that causes you to question all you ever know about how your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual connection can be recovered! The book is packed with fascinating true to life stories of recovery in both people and animals! In life, we travel a long and winding road to back to radiant health, but yes it can be accomplished now, with the modulation of your very own Natural Control System!